fredag, juli 21, 2006

Bloggnatt i Indien

Kommer ni ihåg rabaldret i vintras när UD (inte?) såg till att Sverigedemokraternas hemsida släcktes ner i kölvattnet av debatten om Muhammedteckningarna, kommenterat av bl.a. Kulturbloggen .

I Indien tassar man inte runt, utan myndigheterna såg till att ett flertal bloggtjänster släcktes ner rapporterar Hindustan Times :

The action followed the appearance of a two-page write-up containing extremely derogatory references to Islam and Prophet Mohammed that had the potential to inflame religious sensitivities in India and create serious law and order problems in the country in a blog facilitated by well-known search engines, he said.

Indian Department of Telecommunications (DOT) was informed of it. The DOT took up the matter forthwith with the search engines and instructions were also issued to all Internet providers to block the two impertinent pages.

Because of a technological error, the Internet providers went beyond what was expected of them, which in turn resulted in the unfortunate blocking of all blogs, Ghanashyam said.

Referenser: Hindustan Times, del 1, och Hindustan Times, del 2.